May in the USA is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month!
5月はアメリカでアジア系アメリカ人と太平洋諸国系アメリカ人(AAPI)遺産月間です!短く言うと、AAPI遺産月間です。AAPIはAsian American, Pacific Islanderの頭文字から取られました。
May in the USA is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! AAPI Heritage Month for short. AAPI stands for the first letters of “Asian American” and “Pacific Islander”.
Looking at the numbers from the USA’s 2020 National Census, the nation’s population according to ethnicity is the following: 57.8% is white, 18.7& is Latinx or Hispanic, 12.1% is black, 5.9% is Asian, 0.7% is Native American, and 0.2% is Pacific Islander.
遺産月間(heritage month)とは一般的にアメリカに住む少数派(minority)に注目・認識を向上しようとする期間です。この月間では図書館、財団、NPO団体、博物館や大学はアジア系アメリカ人や太平洋諸国系アメリカ人について周知活動をします。当事者ではない人にとっては、自分と違う文化に触れてみる良い機会になります。いわゆる多文化共生を実現に向けるための行事です。
Heritage Months are generally a period of time to raise awareness and knowledge about minorities in the USA. This month, libraries, foundations, NPOs, museums, and universities will spread information about Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans. For people other than Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans, now is a good time to interact with a culture they are not used to. It’s an event to further making a multicultural society a reality.
So here I’d like to introduce some inspiring Asian American and Pacific Islander Americans that were/are active in the USA.
The first person is someone who worked with a variety of people from different backgrounds in order to protect human rights.
Yuri Kochiyama 1921年 – 2014年
時は1942年。ルーズベルト大統領が9066号令により、アメリカの西海岸に住む12万人ほどの日本人・日系人を強制退去させました。その中の一人はYuri Kochiyama。
The year is 1942. President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 and forcibly removed Japanese and Japanese Americans from the United States’ west coast. One of those people was Yuri Kochiyama.
When Yuri was in her 20s, she and her family were forcibly moved to a concentration camp for Japanese Americans. Due to her experience of something so unfair, being discriminated against simply because of her ethnicity, it moved her to greatly contribute to the anti-war and pro-human rights movements. For many years, she also lent her voice to the movement to end segregation. In 1963, she met Malcom X and aided him in his resistance as well.
In 1964, Yuri hosted a study session and invited the Hiroshima-Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission that was working against nuclear proliferation to her home. Yuri also invited Malcolm X. She thought he wouldn’t attend, but Malcolm X arrived and shared his knowledge about Japan’s history and his opposition to the Vietnam War.
Even in her nineties, she stood with victims of discrimination, and worked to develop interest in human rights and to never forget the discrimination Japanese Americans experience(d).
I believe you have seen the next person at the movies a few times.
ドウェイン(ザ・ロック)・ジョンソン 1972年 –

この画像は、アメリカ合衆国陸軍の兵士又は職員が、公務の一環として撮影し、又は作成したものです。 アメリカ合衆国連邦政府の著作物として、アメリカ合衆国においてパブリックドメイン(公有)の状態にあります。 |
Dwayne Johnson is a famous actor born in California to a Samoan mother and a Canadian father. He has appeared in over 66 films and may be the most well known Pacific Islander American in the USA (or even the world). Out of all the movies he has been in, I believe his most well known roles are as Luke Hobbs in “The Fast and The Furious,” and as Maui in “Moana”.
Before becoming an actor, he was a pro wrestler. His wrestler name was “The Rock,” so even now his fans lovingly call him by this nickname.
In 2019, he participated in efforts against building an observatory on the holy mountain of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. While Johnson himself is not Hawaiian, it seems he wasn’t able to stay silent as a fellow Pacific Islander.
He has become very wealthy due to appearing in over 66 movies. In terms of his recent charity work, when SAG-AFTRA was striking in summer of 2023, he contributed over $1,000,000 to the organization. Specifically, the money was given to the labor union’s emergency fund for striking, fired, and hospitalized union members to pay their living and medical costs. And he established an organization to distribute stipends to people who lost their homes in the August 2023 forest fires on Maui.
Altogether, Johnson has enthusiastically used his fame to draw attention to issues, and used his money he has made from acting for charity. Currently 52 years old, he will no doubt continue to be active as an actor, philanthropist, and businessman.